Livre numérique 6 x 6 / 36 - Identity

6 x 6 / 36 - Identity — Ebook

Auteurs : Cyril Thomas, Jean-Luc Soret
Publication : 28/02/2013
Langue : English
Éditeur : Éditions Subjectile
Collections : Wish you were here!
ISBN : 9782365300148
Catégories : Art / Collections, catalogues, expositions / Expositions de groupe, Art / Numérique

Created by Collectif Nunc, 6 X 6 / 36 — Identity is both a book and an exhibition. In it, Cyril Thomas and Jean-Luc Soret collaborate with several artists working in very different fields to approach the question of identity: Alain Baczynsky, Janez Janša, David Guez, ORLAN, LawickMüller (Fredericke van Lawick and Hans Müller) and Art Orienté objet (Marion Laval-Jeantet and Benoît Mangin). To curate your own exhibition in your home or around your city, print the QR codes on self-adhesive paper. When scanned on a mobile phone, the QR codes give access to the artworks.

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